Saturday, November 22, 2003

The only thing that stands between a man and what he wants from life is often merely the will to try it and the faith to believe that it is possible
La sola cosa che separa un uomo da ciò che desidera dalla vita è spesso solo la volontà di tentare, la forza per credere che sia possibile
- Richard M. DeVos -

Maybe Ethics is a science that has disappeared from the whole world. It does not matter, we will have to invent it again
Forse l'etica è una scienza scomparsa dal mondo intero. Non fa niente, dovremo inventarla un'altra volta
- Jorge Luis Borges -
In matters of grave importance, style, not sincerity, is the vital thing
Nelle questioni di rilevante importanza, l'essenziale è lo stile, non la sincerità
- Oscar Wilde -
Poi venne il progresso a distruggere tutto, più che la guerra, perché se la guerra ha distrutto cose, il progresso ha distrutto il nostro modo di vivere
Then progress came and destroyed everything, even more than the war, because if the war destroyed our property, progress destroyed our very way of life
- Bruno Ugolotti -
Dreams come true; without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them
- John Updike -
Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that's creativity
Rendere complicato ciò che è semplice è banale; rendere semplice, incredibilmente semplice, ciò che è complicato, ecco, questa è creatività
- Charles Mingus -
Chiunque abbia il potere per un minuto commette un crimine
Anyone who holds power for even one minute commits a crime
- Luigi Pintor -
Diffidate dei primi impulsi: sono quasi sempre buoni.
mistrust first impulses; they are nearly always good.
- Charles-Maurice de TALLEYRAND-PÉRIGORD -

Per tollerare l'esistenza mentiamo e, soprattutto, ci mentiamo.
we lie in order to tolerate our existence and, most of all, we lie to ourselves.
- Elena Ferrante -

Friday, August 22, 2003

* On the top of each peak you are on the edge of the abyss
* Everything has already been discovered. There is virgin ground only in the neighborhood of banality.
- Stanislaw J.Lec -
Hope is the normal look of delirium
- Emile M.Cioran -
* Solo chi non ha fame è in grado di giudicare la qualità del cibo
Only who is not hungry can judge the quality of the food
* Una maniera per farsi notare è l'assenza
A way to be noticed is the absence
* Ottimista è chi ritiene che le cose non possano andare peggio di come vanno
Optimist is the one who thinks that things cannot be worse of what they are
- Alessandro Morandotti -
La cosa più dura: tornare sempre a scoprire ciò che già si sa.
The hardest thing: to always find out what you already know.
- Elias Canetti -
Only who is very unhappy can pity someone else.
- Ludwig Wittgensten -
* To be perfect, she missed only a defect.
* Good opinions don't have any value. What matters is who have them.
- Karl Kraus -
Women are capable of everything, men of all the rest.
- Henri De Regnier -
* Truth should be in the middle. Not at all, only in the depth.
* Listen your calumniators, you will learn the truth about you.
- Arthur Schnitzler -

Tuesday, March 18, 2003

All passions are hexagerations. Moreover, they are passions because they hexagerate.
- Nicholas De Chamfort -
The conciousness of afterwards is a precise science
- Fagin's Law -
L'uomo e' un anima che trascina un cadavere
Man is a soul that drags a corpe
- Guido Ceronetti -
To be yourself you must be someone
- Stanislav J.Lec -
Neppure l'ingiustizia e' uguale per tutti
Not even the injustice is the same for everyone
- Alessandro Morandotti -
L'amico e' con chi puoi stare in silenzio
Friend is someone who can remain in silence with

Nella vita come in tram, quando ti siedi e' il capolinea
In life as much as in a bus, when you sit down it is the terminal

- Camillo Sbarbaru -
Injustice must exist, otherwise situations never end
- Karl Kraus -
L'astuto e' un uomo intelligente che ha paura di essere un idiota
The astute is a clever who is scared to be an idiot
- Ugo Ojetti -

Monday, February 03, 2003

The one who smiles when things go wrong has already thought whom to blame it for
- Jones' Law -
Friend is someone who knows everything about you and, despite this, likes you anyway
- Elbert Hubbard -
I love the work, it amazes me. I could sit for hours admiring it
- Jerome K. Jerome -
If you help someone in troubles he will remember you next time he is in troubles
- H.V. Prochnow & H.V. Prochnow Jr.-
The best way to loose a bad habit is to change it with a worse one
- Jack Nicholson -
Ci sono momenti nella vita in cui devi fare delle cose anche se sono giuste
There are moments in your life when you have to do things even if they are right
- Gino & Michele -
It takes a long time to get young
- Picasso -
Who has the essential deeply misses the superfluous
- chinese anonimous -
In this world you must be crazy, otherwise you get mad
- Leopold Fetcher -
Egoist is a man who doesn't think of me
- Eugéne Labiche -
In the struggle between you and the world, stay with the world
- Frank Zappa -
Mistaking is human, but it let you feel divine!
- Mae West -

Friday, January 24, 2003

The curve is the cutest distance between two points
- Mae West -
I can resist to everything but temptations
- Oscar Wilde -
The worst thing to do is to think with anguish
to what could have been done
- Georg Cristoph Lichtenberg -
I'm flying away
running like the wind
as I chase the sun
Up spinning around
circles in my mind
sailing over ground
(chase the sun - planet funk)

Tuesday, January 21, 2003

"They lived unhappy because it was cheaper"
"There's only one big fashion: the youth"
"A not precise idea has always a future"
- Leo Longanesi -
Hate must be productive. Otherwise it is more clever to love.
- Karl Kraus -
Truth should be in the middle. Not at all. Only in the depth.
- Arthur Schnitzler -

Sunday, January 19, 2003

Say what you mean...mean what you say
- ... -

Tuesday, January 14, 2003

"Ogni abitudine rende la nostra mano più ingegnosa e meno abile il nostro ingegno"
"Every habit leaves our hand more ingenious and our brain less clever"
Friedrich Nietzsche

Thursday, January 09, 2003

"Non importa quanto lontano sei andato su una strada sbagliata: torna indietro"
"It doesn't matter how far you have gone the wrong way: go back"
Proverbio turco (turkish proverb)
"Sognatore è un uomo con i piedi fortemente appoggiati sulle nuvole"
"Dreamer is a man steadily standing on the clouds"
Ennio Flaiano
"Quando due uomini nella stessa azienda sono sempre d'accordo, uno dei due è superfluo"
"When two men in a company always agree, one of them is useless"
William Wrigley Jr.
"Per trovare un amico bisogna chiudere un occhio; per tenerlo due"
"To find a new friend you have to close one eye; to keep him you have to close them both"
Norman Douglas

Friday, January 03, 2003

No! Try not.
Do. Or do not.
There is no try.
- Yoda -